Puerto Rico Obituaries

Home > Puerto Rican Obituaries

Puerto Rico Obituaries and Death Records

Puerto Rico Obituaries at Tribute Archive

Puerto Rico Obituaries at legacy.com

Puerto Rico Obituary Search good collection of recent obituaries, at OBITUARe.com

Puerto Rico Obituary Archive Search 2005-2008 at GenealogyBank ($)

Puerto Rico Obituary Index from late 90s, early 2000s at Obits Index

San Juan, Puerto Rico Obituaries at Dignity Memorial

Puerto Rico Funeral Homes

Mayaguez Memorial (in Spanish) in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico Genealogy Resources

Puerto Rican Genealogy including Puerto Rican censuses, obituaries, military records, surnames..

Puerto Rico Birth, Marriage and Death and Historical Record Collections at FamilySearch.org
 over 700 million records online, search birth, marriage and death certificate databases from the 1800s and 1900s

How to Obtain Puerto Rican Birth, Marriage and Death Certificates how to obtain Puerto Rico vital records, such as contacting the relevant government vital records office by phone, by post or by applying online, if available.